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Hi! I'm Davide Abbina, a 2D/3D storyboard artist based in Rome, Italy, and I've been working as a freelance storyboard artist since 2021 and in the animation industry since 2022. Previously I've been a comic book artist since 2014.


As a Storyboard Artist, I’ve been working on animation, gaming, live-action short films, music videos, and advertising.


I’m always hungry to grow as an artist, learn new things, and expand my skillset by learning new techniques and software! I currently work mainly with Toon Boom Storyboard Pro, Photoshop, and Blender and draw on a Wacom Cintiq interactive monitor on Windows.


I have a pretty rational, critical, and analytical thinking that comes from my approach to design when applied to the project I’m working on, whether it’s storyboarding, character, prop, or environment design. It leads me always to ask myself the right questions until I solve the task.


Previous clients include Wise Blue Studios, Boxfort Design Group, and Transient Films.


You can download my resume HERE


Feel free to contact me at

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